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Users Directories
- A Season for Everything
- Prayer, Wisdom, and the Redeeming of Time
- The Transformed Household
- The Indwelling Word and the Indwelt Community
- Dec 2024 Carols and Reading Service
- "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ..."
- The Transformative Power of the Gospel
- Proverbs 24:3 and Luke 16:1-10
- 'See To It That No One Takes You Captive...'
- 'Just as you Received Christ Jesus'
- Luke 13:10-17
- 'This is the Gospel that you heard'
- To Fill You With the Knowledge of His Will
- Genesis 26
- We Always Thank God...
- Interruption, Struggle, and the Work of Christ
- Daniel 7
- Daniel 6
- A Foolish King Makes an Enemy of God, God Brings Judgement
- God is in Charge - So Will You Serve Him?
- Daniel 3
- The Kingdom of God, The Son of Man, and the Good News of the Gospel
- Reason to Trust
- Who Will You Serve?
- Who is in Charge?
- Lament
- Purity
- God's Kingdom
- The Lord's Prayer: Conclusion
- Deliver Us From Evil
- Lead Us Not Into Temptation
- Forgive Us Our Sins
- Give Us Today Our Daily Bread
- Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done
- Hallowed Be Your Name
- Our Father in Heaven
- Teach Us To Pray
- Jesus and Bad Religion
- Jesus: Fully God and Fully Man
- What kind of Father?
- The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- Easter Sunday 2024
- Good Friday 2024
- Meet Jesus: Jesus raises Lazarus
- Meet Jesus: Jesus versus the Cynics
- Meet Jesus: Jesus is the Good Shepherd
- Meet Jesus: Jesus Shines the Light
- Meet Jesus: The Truth Will Set You Free
- Meet Jesus: Jesus Gives Living Water
- Meet Jesus: Sifting True From False Disciples
- Flo Harris Lodge Commencement Service 2024
- Lament
- Treasure in Jars of Clay
- Wisdom for the New Year - 3
- Wisdom for the New Year - 1
- Christmas Service 2023
- The Mercy of Our God
- Waiting for the King
- Waiting for the King
- The Root from the Stump of Jesse
- Waiting for the King
- Gift, Gratitude, and Stewardship - 3
- Gift, Gratitude and Stewardship - 2
- Gift, Gratitude and Stewardship - 1
- God the Master
- Flo Harris Lodge 50th Anniversary
- Coworkers with Christ
- Focus, Focus - Don't Look Away
- The Generosity of God
- Fear Not!
- Fear Not!
- Giving Sunday
- Vision Sunday
- The Gospel Ministry
- The Feast of the Lord to Come
- Feasting in a World without Death
- Three Realities
- Getting Real with God
- God's Limitless Power
- The Church and God's Transformative Grace
- How Does God See Us
- True Celebration
- True Satisfaction
- Jesus the End of all Religion
- Crazy Love
- Jesus Schools the Teacher
- Rejoice in The Lord
- Jesus Reveals His Authority
- God, Pleasure and the Glory of Jesus
- Comfort, Comfort My People
- Easter Morning 2023
- Good Friday 2023
- Being Committed to Jesus
- Jesus' First Followers #2
- Jesus' First Followers #1
- Who Is This Man? Where's The Proof?
- Eternal God Becomes Man
- Do's and Don'ts for Pastoral Ministry
- I Believe
- Flo Harris lodge Commencement Service 2023
- Sharing the Grace
- Follow Me
- Good News To Be Shared
- The Church in God's Manifold Wisdom
- A Psalm for January
- Peace with God
- Out of Rejection and Darkness into Light
- Contentment in the Lord
- True Reality
- Victory over the fear of defeat
- The Unwasted Life
- Why We Do Not Lose Heart
- The Smell of Christ and the Glory of the Gospel
- Truth in the Concrete
- The God of Comfort and the Sufferings of Christ
- Yahweh Will Overcome All Opposition
- Stake Every Day on God's Promises
- Spiritual Warfare
- Love as Christ Loves
- God's Tangible Promises
- God's Mercy Available to All
- God's Way
- God Shows His Blessings
- Jesus Can Rescue
- The Goodness of Work
- Co-working with God
- Failing to Tell
- Cleansed
- Jesus Welcomes Everyone
- Peace Out Of Chaos
- The Seed Sprouts and Grows
- 2022 Flo Harris Lodge Commencement Service
- How has Jesus changed our World
- Good News for the Whole World
- Rejoice! Behold Your God
- The Rise and Fall
- Understanding a World Apparently Out Of Control
- How long, Lord, must I call for help?
- A Very Apocalytic Christmas
- A Fresh Start
- Enduring Hope
- Going Well
- Calling The Church to Good Works
- Godliness Rather Than Hypocrisy
- Calling The Church to Order
- Unfinished Business in Jesus Church
- God Sustains
- Speaking Out
- Protection During Persecution
- Determination to Serve
- A Model of Faithful Church Leadership
- Bodies Need Strengthening
- Making Disciples in an Unpromising Setting
- Godless Spirituality
- Getting Jesus Right
- When Things Don't Go As Planned
- Sacrifice for the sake of others
- God's Relationship With His People
- The Desire To Obey
- The Choices We Make
- Our Just God
- A New Hope
- Celebrating God's Goodness
- The Blessing in Giving
- God Honouring Worship
- God's Treasured Possession
- Wholehearted Devotion To The God Who Saves
- Where are you?
- Abuse within the Church
- Faithfully Following Jesus in the Local Church
- Certainty
- Jesus, The Messiah
- Knowing and Showing the Love of God
- 1 John 2:18-27
- Reminders of the Truth of the Gospel
- The Evidence Of Our Fellowship With Christ
- Walking In The Light
- The 'Real Deal' Jesus
- The Generous Master
- The Prodigal Son
- The Good Samaritan
- The Parable of the Growing Seed
- Mixed Responses to the Gospel
- Human Helplessness & God's Grace
- Jesus, The Peace Bringer
- The Awe Of This Announcement
- What Does Jesus Bring By His Coming
- The End To A Long And Painful Era
- Saved by Grace
- The 'Normal' in Following Jesus
- The Church sends the Good News to the Gentiles
- Leaning about Thankfulness from The Thessalonians
- Shunned by Society
- Jesus: A Saviour for Outsiders
- It's for Everyone
- An About Turn
- His Team
- Blasphemy or The Truth?
- Potential Division and Service in Jesus' Church
- Sharing The Good News Of Jesus
- Honouring God By Remaining Healthy And Avoiding Hypocrisy
- Proclaiming Jesus
- The Holy Spirit Is Revealed At Pentecost
- Waiting Well As The People Of God
- Preparing For Our Part In Jesus' Ongoing Mission
- Mixing With Those In Need
- How Do We Receive God's Blessings?
- Preparing for a New State
- From Rags to Restoration
- Seeing Beyond Our Knowledge
- Searching for God
- Where Is Your Justice God?
- Our View vs God's View
- Is Resilience The Answer?
- Is God Just?
- How Do We Involve God In Our Sufferings
- Good and Bad - Are They Both From God?
- Human Expectations
- The Word of God: The Bible
- Strength Through Failure
- Changed By Jesus' Resurrection
- The Ultimate Sacrifice
- Jesus On Trial
- The Arrest Of The Almighty
- Preparing With A Purpose
- Witnessing Within A Hostile World
- Jesus: The True Vine
- Jesus Prepares The Anxious For His Absence
- Preparing Disciples For Life
- The Eternal Word Washes Human Feet
- Flo Harris Lodge Commencement Service 2020
- Divine Majesty and Human Identity
- The End Is Nigh
- The Magnificence of Jesus
- Christians Look Back to Grace and Forward to Glory
- Responding to God’s goodness in saving us
- 5. Joy To The World
- 4. O Come All Ye Faithful
- Daniel 7
- 3. Once In Royal David's City
- 2. His Gift. Our Choice.
- 1. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- Introduction to the Spiritual Disciplines
- Preparing to take the Promised Land
- Dead Guys You Should Know: John Wesley
- Wisdom From Former Generations
- 9. A New Generation, A New Beginning
- 8. The Death of the Old, and the Birth of the New
- 7. Behold Your God
- 6. From Impatience To Trust
- 5. Politics, Real Power, and Priests
- 4. Fear and faithlessness: Learning from a fickle people
- 3. Grumblings and Grace in the Wilderness
- 2. Israel's Before and After Photo
- 1. The Fear and Hope of Israel
- 2. Living As Jesus' Disciples In The Workplace
- 1. Thank God It's Monday ...
- 13. Victory Through Death
- 12. The Problem of Death: I Am The Resurrection And Life
- 11. The Shepherd Who Cares For His Sheep
- 10. The Light Which Divides
- 9. Jesus: The Light For A Dark World
- 8. Jesus: The Talk Of The Town
- 7. Jesus, The Bread Of Life
- 6. Recognising The Son
- 5. This Man Is Really The Savior Of The World
- 4. Three Rabbis
- 3. "You Have Saved The Best 'Till Now"
- 2. Receiving Jesus
- 8. Keeping The Conversation Going
- 1. The Glory Of Jesus
- He Is Alive!
- The Death Of A King
- 7. The Church's Inward Focus - Worship
- 6. The Church's Outward Witness
- 5. Church Leadership And Government
- 4. The Marks Of The Church
- 3. One Church, Multiple Gatherings
- 2. One Body
- 1. How Important Is The Church?
- 8. Final Instructions to the Colossian Christians
- 7. Slavery and The Bible
- 6. Following Jesus In Family Life
- Looking Ahead: - PBC in 2019
- 5. Living Completely For Jesus
- 4. Just As You Received Christ, So Continue In Him
- 3. The Gospel And Suffering
- 2. Membership of God's Kingdom
- 1. Forever Changed
- Christmas Day 2018
- 4. Jesus became human to be our merciful and faithful High Priest
- 3. Fix Your Thoughts On Jesus
- 2. .... To Lead Brothers And Sisters To Glory
- 2018 Carols, Skit and Message
- 1. The Incarnation Restores Our True Humanity
- 4. Does Religion Poison Everything?
- 3. Can I Believe In A Good God When There Is So Much Suffering?
- 2. Are There Any Good Reasons To Believe
- 1. Would Knowing And Following Jesus Be Good For Me?
- Series for November 2018
- Giving Thanks
- 3. The Promise Of Our Discipleship: Our King Is With Us
- 2. The Nature Of Our Discipleship: Our King Is Calling
- 1. The Reason For Our Discipleship: Our King Is Reigning!
- 9. Taste And See That The Lord Is Good
- 8. Be Holy, For The Lord Your God Is Holy
- 7. Jesus! Our Atonement
- 6. Is Leviticus offensive?
- 5. Watch What You Eat
- 4. Let There Be Priests
- 3. God Has Made A Way
- 2. Voluntarily Giving the Right Gift to God
- 1. Acts Of Devotion
- 2. Jonah's Anger and God's Abounding Grace
- 1. God Says GO! Prophet Says NO!
- 11. The God Of All Grace
- 10. Elders & The Chief Shepherd
- 9. Living Intentionally As The End Draws Near
- 8. Arm Yourself
- 7. Responding Well When We Suffer For Doing Good
- 6. Living Together
- 5. Such Good Lives...
- 4. A Chosen People, A Royal Priesthood
- 3. The Gospel Is Good News To The Suffering
- 2. Hope Filled and Holy Lives
- 1. Aliens In This Land
- 4. Trusting God In The Depth Of Despair
- 3. A Prayer From The Pit
- 2. Injustice
- 1. Dealing With Doubt
- 35. He Is Alive - Jesus Lives !!
- 34. The Crucification
- 33. How Do We Respond To Our Guilt?
- 32. Two Trials
- 31. Jesus Prepares For The Cross
- 30. What It Means To Be Ready
- 29. The End of the Temple and the End of the Age
- 28. Not So With You!
- 2018 Flo Harris Lodge Commencement Service
- 27. The Stone The Builders Rejected
- 5. Who or What Make Up the Christian Front Line
- 4. Reassurance
- 3. Selfless Servants In A Selfish Age
- 2. Living As People Changed By The Gospel
- 1. Forever Changing
- Four Aspirations for Jesus Followers in 2018
- Christmas Day 2017
- 4. O Holy Night
- 3. O Little Town Of Bethlehem
- Sexual Abuse in Churches
- 2. Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
- 1. O Come, O Come Emmanuel
- 26. Jesus Has The Answer
- 25. The God Who Resurrects
- 24. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's
- The One Thing Needed
- 9. Preparing To Be The Bride Of Christ
- 8. Playing the Fool
- 7. Grace and Generosity
- 5. Remaining Between the Flags
- 4. Motivation for Pressing On
- 2. Paul Preaches Jesus as the Transforming Lord
- 1. Strength in Weakness
- 4. Going To The Ends Of The Earth For Jesus' Sake
- 3. Being Jesus Witnesses Beyond the Familiar and Comfortable
- 2. Beginning Where We Are
- 1. Preparing to be Jesus’ Witnesses
- A Church Without Walls
- 4. The Good Life
- 3. God's Goodness to Us in Jesus
- 2. A Good God and the Problem of Evil
- 1. God : Always Good
- 4. Confessing, Forgiving and Rejoicing
- 3. Do you ever feel utterly forsaken?
- 2. Surely There Is a God Who Judges the Earth
- 1. Learning to Praise in Prayer
- 12. The Jealous God
- 11. The LORD Present With HIS People
- 10. God's Holy, Gracious Forgiveness
- 9. Idolatry, Intercession and Identity
- 8. The Tabernacle
- 7. Life and Law
- 2. Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?
- 1. Easter 2017 - Good Friday
- 6. Learning To Trust The God We Know
- 5. Knowing The One True God
- 4. The Passover
- 3. Knowing God as God
- 2. Determined God; Resistant People
- 1. The Creator Will Redeem
- 23. The Wedding Feast
- 2017 Flo Harris Lodge Commencement Service Message
- 22. Jesus, The Cornerstone Of Our Lives
- 21. Jesus in Jerusalem
- 20. Equal Grace for All
- 5. Speaking About Jesus
- 4. Showing Jesus As Salt And Light
- 3. How to Pray and Worship God
- 2. The Commitment Jesus Commands
- 1. The Mall, The Hospital and The Kingdom
- 4. What Is Christmas All About?
- 3. The Birth Of Jesus: Details That Reassure
- 2. Do We Recognise Jesus? Do We Praise God?
- God's Outstanding Plan For All
- 19. The Dangers of Riches
- 18. What God Has Joined Together...
- 17. How The Forgiven Forgive
- 16. Who Is The Greatest?
- 15. Are We Getting Ahead Of Ourselves?
- 14. The Messiah's Heavenly Glory
- 13. Jesus: The Messiah Who Surprises
- 12. God's Mission - Enough For All
- 11. Why Religion Will Never Save You
- 17. The Divine Shepherd Who Keeps His Promises
- 16. Famine and Fulfilment
- 15. Recognise This! ?
- 14. From Dread to Dependence
- 13. Faith Tested - Jacob
- 12. Trusting Our Trustworthy God in Times of Testing
- 11. Will The Judge Of All The Earth Do What Is Right?
- 10. When Faith is Tested
- 5. Keep Going And Finish The Job
- 4. Keeping In Step
- 3. The Holy Spirit and the New Covenant
- 2. The Spirit Of Truth
- 1. What Is God Doing?
- Mission Sunday
- 18. Anti-Climatic? or Full of Tension?
- 17. Our Assurance of Hope
- 16. Building Up
- 15. Gifts with Love
- 14. How Do We Share the Lord’s Table of Remembrance?
- 13. The Head of Christ is God
- 12. Do it for the glory of God
- 11. Running to Win the Prize
- 10. Knowing your rights, but getting it all wrong
- 9. Separation & Divorce: What does the Bible say?
- 8. Marriage, Singleness and Devotion to God
- 7. The Reality & The Challenges
- He is Risen
- Good Friday – 2016
- 6. The Standard You Walk Past is the Standard You Set
- 5. Are We Being Influenced by Society?
- 4. Leadership
- 3. The Cross and The Spirit
- Are We In Step with God's Mission?
- 2. Who's Expectations Do We Aim For?
- 1. A Work In Progress
- 6. The Lord's Prayer
- 5. Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil
- 4. Forgive Us... as We Forgive...
- 3. Give Us Our Daily Bread
- 2. Hallowed Be Your Name
- 1. Our Father
- Jesus is Permanent
- Confidence while waiting
- Jesus' Return
- The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah
- Christmas Calendar vs Christian Calendar
- More than a Prophet
- Our Every Provision
- 3. Misunderstanding
- 2. Indifference
- 1. Don't Stumble Now
- 9. Counting the Cost
- 8. Man's Pride
- 6. The Flood
- 5. Do Not Be Like Cain
- 4. Genesis and the Worldview
- 3. The Fall
- 2. The Good Old Days
- 1. God's Working Week
- 12. Christianity: The Gospel of Christ, No Extras, NO PLUS
- 11. You'll Never Walk Alone
- 10. Walk by The Spirit
- 9. Freedom , Faith Expressed Through Love
- 8. One Faith for All
- 7. Free From Our Former Bondage
- 6. Same Faith - Same Status
- 5. It's Always About Faith
- 4. How Do You Lean?
- 3. The Truth of The Gospel: Justification by Faith
- 2. The Gospel: Not Man-Made
- 1. Only One Gospel - Accept No Substitutes
- 3. Santification - The Christian's Progress
- 2. Justification
- God: The author and perfecter of our faith
- 5. A Plea for Rescue
- 4. Confess, Remember, Pray
- 3. Full Surrender
- 2. The Nations vs The King
- Life is - The Praise of Yahweh
- Christmas Day Service
- Flo Harris Lodge 50th Anniversary Celebration
- PBCYouth
- Flo Harris Lodge Commencement Service
- Christmas Day Service
- Hot Topics - Identity
- PBCyouth
- Playtime
- Sunday Service
- Hot Topics - Predestination
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- Playtime
- Carolyn Lee
- Daniel Vega
- Ben Allen
- John Chen
- Peter Snelson
- Rachel Fletcher
- Tim Adeney
- Nicole Starling
- Rita McKinnon
- David Starling
- Raymond Osborne
Sermon Topics
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- Sacrifice
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- Puffed-up People
- Soil
- Abstract
- change
- Next World
- Mascots
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- Christian Identity
- Trinity
- Divorce
- Lament
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- Denial
- Voluntary Giving
- Joy in Jesus
- Leadership
- Fear into Joy
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- Certainty
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- Titus
- Vision
- Teacher, don't you care if we drown?
- Theory
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- More to see
- Temple
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- Good Shepherd
- The Word of God
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- Evil
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- Sorrow into Certainty
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- Crete
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- Truth
- Greed
- Let go Be challenged and Look
- Our Hearts
- Sheep
- Jesus' Identity
- meaning
- God's Kingdom
- Reassurance
- Works
- His Birth
- He Lives
- Loyalty
- Slavery
- God's Choice
- Peter
- Conversion
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- Accepting of Torture
- Example
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- Joy
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- Kings
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- Nicodemus
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- Horrible Judgement
- Lord's Prayer
- Judgement
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- Injustice
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- John Wesley
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- Blessings
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- Great Fall
- Pilate
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- rebirth
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- Alive
- God's Love
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- condemnation
- God's sovereignty
- Fear
- Promise
- A Godly Life
- Stand Firm
- Alienation
- Ever Near
- Living Water
- God's Gift
- His Mission
- Idolatry
- Care
- Reward
- Speaking Out
- Complete the Task
- The Light of the World
- Power to Heal
- Confidence
- Escapism
- God Working through Us
- Advertising Blitz
- God's Offer
- Celebration
- Ministry
- Warning
- God's Plan
- Yahweh
- Unity
- Talking About Jesus
- Hope
- Give Thanks
- Bread
- Jesus' Humanity
- Pentecost
- Growth
- Generous
- Perfect
- Using Understandable Language
- Friends May Hinder
- God will Preserve
- He Cares
- Mercy
- Weird
- God's Promise
- Judgement Coming
- His Son
- Problems
- Creation
- Hostility
- God's Faithfulness
- Resurrection
- Witness
- Behold Your God
- Holy
- Objections
- Water
- Dreams
- Abraham
- Human
- Caring
- It Is God Who Builds
- Freedom in Jesus
- Wickedness
- People
- Promises
- Past Present and Future
- Saviour
- God Cares
- Something New
- Pressures
- satisfaction
- God's rule
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- Law
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- Submission
- Opening Our Minds
- Life
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- Power of the Spirit
- David
- In Flesh
- Vindicate
- Hopeless Case?
- Commissioned
- God not responding
- Compassion
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- Pharisees
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- Have No Other Gods
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- God's Son
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- Suffering
- Incarnation
- Shepherd
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- Light
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- Sower
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- Sydney
- Faith and Belief In Jesus
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- Jesus Invites Us to Help
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- wrath
- The Gospel
- Jesus
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- Preparation for Christ's Return
- Agony
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- Humanity
- Workplace
- Holy Spirit
- Differences
- Wanting Acceptance
- Likeness
- Choose Life
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- Purpose
- Expectantly
- Misunderstanding
- Opposition
- Babylon
- Assurance
- Revealed
- He Knew
- the cross
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- Suffering, Endurance, Hope
- Possessions
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- Enlightened
- She Came Ashamed but Found Life
- Judgement & Restoration
- Jesus' death
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Sermon Books
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- 1 John
- Exodus
- Titus
- Acts
- James
- 2 Timothy
- Genesis
- 2 Peter
- Job
- Isaiah
- Hosea
- 1 Thessalonians
Sermon Series
- John's Gospel
- Joshua
- Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing
- Work
- Ephesians
- New Year
- Numbers
- Elijah
- Philippians
- Discipleship Training
- Revelation
- Honest To God
- Carols
- God and His Church
- Apocalyptic
- Isaiah
- Chosen Strangers
- Job
- Gift, Gratitude and Stewardship
- Keep In Step With The Spirit
- Jonah
- Acts
- Wisdom
- Genesis
- Leviticus
- The Parables
- The Lord's Prayer
- Discipleship
- Becoming Disciples Who Make Disciples
- 1 John
- Daniel: Living for God in a Hostile World
- FHL Commencement Service
- Thanksgiving
- 3 John
- Exodus
- Got Questions?
- Jude
- Psalms
- Why Did God Become Human?
- Deuteronomy
- The Goodness of God
- Colossians
- Titus
- Galatians
- Habakkuk
- 2 Corinthians
- Exploring The Doctrine Of The Church
- Mark
- 1 Corinthians
- Expectations Under the Microscope
- Advent
- Matthew
- Christmas
- Easter
- Psalms 2014
- Mission
- Grace
Sermon Speakers
- Dave Pym
- Sanjeeth Nalla
- Ben Bakker
- Warwick Hornidge
- Tom Sweeney
- Ross McGaughran
- David Starling
- Alison Bradford
- Brad
- Mike Prodigalidad
- Ben Dixon
- Nathan Cutforth
- Ajit Tak
- James Piggott
- Rod Earnshaw
- Trevor Cairney
- Tim Adeney
- Rob French
- Phillip Jensen
- William Chong
- Ben Allen
- Cynthia Pym
- Matt Kennedy
- Mat Anderson
- Dave Bosma
- Tim Bradford
- Geoff Harper
- Brett Hookham
- Ian Maddock
- Andy Maskell
- Andrew Sinclair
- Alan Thompson
- Malcolm Watt