Jesus Reveals His Authority April 30, 2023 Rod Earnshaw Sacrifice, Authority, Temple, Our Hearts, Holiness John John 2:12-25
3. God Has Made A Way August 19, 2018 Tim Bradford Voluntary Giving, Forgiveness, Sacrifice Leviticus Leviticus 4-5 God has made a way The process considered What the ritual teaches us about God and our approach to Him
2. Voluntarily Giving the Right Gift to God August 12, 2018 Dave Pym Voluntary Giving, Sacrifice Leviticus Leviticus 2 & 3
1. Acts Of Devotion August 5, 2018 Geoff Harper Sacrifice Leviticus, Exodus Exodus 40:34 – Leviticus 1 The tourist When one of you brings an offering What a burnt offering is How to make a burnt offering Thinking deeper about Leviticus 1 Inclusivity (v. 2) Costly, but voluntary A selfless gift A striking opening Sacrifice now?