Coworkers with Christ October 8, 2023 Ben Allen Selflessness, Obedience, Workplace, Sanctification Philippians Philipians 2:12-18 Know you are a coworker (v12-13) Act like a coworker (v14-16) Be a sacrificial coworker (v16-18)
The Smell of Christ and the Glory of the Gospel September 18, 2022 David Starling Talking About Jesus, Building a Church, Mission, Sharing, A Godly Life, Selflessness 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians 2:12 – 3:18
The Eternal Word Washes Human Feet February 15, 2020 Dave Pym Love, Selflessness, Servanthood, Jesus, Commitment John John 13:1-30