Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done May 26, 2024 Rod Earnshaw God's Kingdom, God's Glory, Prayer, Fatherhood of God, Lord's Prayer Revelation, Genesis Genesis 2:8-25 Revelation 21:1-7 “My kingdom Come” is the problem “Your kingdom Come” is the solution
Feasting in a World without Death August 6, 2023 Rod Earnshaw Comfort, Joy, Pain, Security, Safety, Celebration Revelation, Isaiah Isaiah 25:6-12; Revelation 21:1-7
Contentment in the Lord November 27, 2022 Tim Bradford Idolatry, Sydney, Babylon, Possessions, Immorality, Greed, Kings, Merchants, Great Fall, Slavery Revelation Revelation 18
True Reality November 20, 2022 Tim Bradford Escapism, Weird, Past Present and Future, Empires against Christians, Have No Other Gods Revelation Revelation 13:1-14:5
Victory over the fear of defeat November 13, 2022 Tim Bradford Sharing, Suffering, Anticipation, Comfort, Challenges, Rebellion, Opposition Revelation Revelation 11
A Very Apocalytic Christmas December 25, 2021 Ian Maddock Jesus, God's Plan, God will Preserve Revelation Revelation 12:1-6
The End Is Nigh January 19, 2020 Geoff Harper God's Kingdom, God's Glory, Unity Revelation Revelation 21:1 – 22:6 How long?John’s Vision of the END (21:1-8)The Bride-City Described (21:9-27)Life in the Garden-City (22:1-5)All Soon to Take Place (22:6)
The Magnificence of Jesus January 12, 2020 Geoff Harper Jesus' Reign, Behold Your God, He Lives Revelation Revelation 5 Verbal and non-verbalThe scroll no one could open (vv. 1-5)The Lion-Lamb is worthy to open the scroll (vv.6-10)All creation worships the Lamb (vv1-14)Who is the Lamb?
3. One Church, Multiple Gatherings March 17, 2019 Ian Maddock Togetherness, Worship, Building a Church, God's Kingdom, Reassurance, Preparation for Christ's Return Revelation Revelation 7: 1-17