Waiting for the King November 19, 2023 Rod Earnshaw Keeping Promises, Anticipation, Christmas Isaiah Isaiah 9:1-7 The Real World Outrageous Promise Weak and Fragile Wait for it
Victory over the fear of defeat November 13, 2022 Tim Bradford Rebellion, Opposition, Sharing, Suffering, Anticipation, Comfort, Challenges Revelation Revelation 11
Rejoice! Behold Your God January 23, 2022 Tim Bradford Freedom, Anticipation, Faith, Judgement, Forgiveness, Reassurance Habakkuk Habakkuk 3
Preparing With A Purpose March 22, 2020 Tim Bradford Reassurance, Prayer, Unity, Anticipation, Jesus John Audio only John 17:1-26
9. Living Intentionally As The End Draws Near July 1, 2018 Dave Pym Anticipation 1 Peter https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2018-07-01-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 1 Peter 4:7-19 Be mentally alert (4:7a) Speak with God (4:7b) Love genuinely (4:8 10) Glorify God in our speech and service (4:11) Rejoice when we suffer for Christ (4:12-19)