3. One Church, Multiple Gatherings March 17, 2019 Ian Maddock Reassurance, Preparation for Christ's Return, Togetherness, Worship, Building a Church, God's Kingdom Revelation https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2019-03-17-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 Revelation 7: 1-17
3. Being Jesus Witnesses Beyond the Familiar and Comfortable August 20, 2017 Dave Pym Building a Church, Witness John Unfortunately the recording of the sermon is of poor quality so is not included here. John 4:1-42 Who are our Samaritans? Jesus and the Samaritan woman Choosing to move beyond the comfortable (4:1-4) Positioning ourselves to encounter the unfamiliar (4:5-6) Establishing connections across social and cultural barriers (4:7-9) Using the tangible to direct attention to the spiritual (4:10-15) Conversing with compassion rather than condemnation (4:16-18) Downplaying religious differences to focus on common spiritual aspirations (4:19-24) Presenting Jesus as the ultimate answer to every spiritual longing (4:25-26)
4. The Passover March 26, 2017 Tim Bradford Promise, Judgement Exodus https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/2017-03-26-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Exodus 11-13
3. Knowing God as God March 19, 2017 Dave Pym Judgement Exodus https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/2017-03-19-pbc-sermon.mp3 Exodus 7
21. Jesus in Jerusalem February 12, 2017 Tim Bradford Sharing, Faith, Worship, Mission Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2017-02-12-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 21: 1-22
3. The Birth Of Jesus: Details That Reassure December 18, 2016 Tim Bradford God's Plan, Jesus Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2016-12-18-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 1: 18-25
19. The Dangers of Riches November 27, 2016 Andrew Sinclair God's Kingdom, God's Plan, Salvation Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/2016-11-27-pbc-sermon.mp3 Matthew 19: 13-30
16. Who Is The Greatest? November 6, 2016 Dave Pym God's Kingdom, Children, Jesus Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/2016-11-06-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 18: 1-14
13. Jesus: The Messiah Who Surprises October 16, 2016 Dave Pym Mission, God's Plan, Jesus Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016-10-16-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 16:13-26
11. Why Religion Will Never Save You October 2, 2016 Tim Bradford Rituals Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016-10-02-pbc-sermon.mp3 Matthew 15: 1-20