The Lord’s Prayer: Conclusion June 30, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Prayer, Christianity in Practice, Fatherhood of God Colossians, 1 Chronicles 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 Colossians 1:3-14 Prayer is Un-alone Prayer is Unceasing Prayer is Understanding Prayer is Unselfish
Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done May 26, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Lord's Prayer, God's Kingdom, God's Glory, Prayer, Fatherhood of God Genesis, Revelation Genesis 2:8-25 Revelation 21:1-7 “My kingdom Come” is the problem “Your kingdom Come” is the solution
Our Father in Heaven May 12, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Fatherhood of God, Lord's Prayer, Prayer, Christianity in Practice Matthew, Hosea Hosea 11:1-11 Matthew 6:25-34 Matthew 7:7-12 What does it mean to pray ‘Our Father’? What does it mean ‘Our Father in Heaven’? What does it mean to pray as children?
Jesus: Fully God and Fully Man April 21, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Jesus, Jesus' Humanity, God's Son, Fatherhood of God John John 1:1-18 Jesus is really, truly God, just like the Father is God Jesus is really, truly human, just like we are Jesus is really, truly one person, not two
What kind of Father? April 14, 2024 David Starling Trinity, God's Glory, God's Love, God's Son, the cross, Fatherhood of God John John 16:25-17:8 Fatherhood and Power – the sent-ness of the Son The suffering of the cross ***Please note that due to technical errors, the last 5 minutes of the sermon are not included in this recording***