- Thinking about work
- Work Created (‘Creation Work’)
- The creation mandate
- The first work (naming)
- God’s work and God’s creation
- God’s work and our work
- ‘Creation work’
- Work Frustrated (‘Fall Work’)
- Frustrated and frustrating
- Work continues
- Fall work
- The End of Work (‘Redemption Work’)
- Creation, Fall, Redemption
- A scandal in suburbia
- Two scandals in Corinth
- A man and his step-father (5:1-13)
- Predatory lawsuits (6:1-11)
- “Do you not know” Six things the Corinthians had forgotten
- “Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?” (5:6)
- “Do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world?” (6:2, cf. v3)
- “Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?” (6:9)
- “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself?” (6:15)
- “Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body?” (6:16)
- “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit?” (6:19)
- You are not your own
- Why care about leadership?
- The Corinthians and their leaders
- Boasting (v 6-7, 18)
- Judging (v 3-5)
- What are leaders?
- Servants (v 1-5)
- Slaves and fools (v 8-13)
- Examples to imitate (v 14-21)
- Polls, Popularity and Power
- Leadership in Corinth (3:1-4)
- Reframing leaders (3:5-9)
- Reframing leadership (3:10-17)
- Careful work (3:10-15)
- Sacred work (3:16-17)
- Final warnings and reminders
- Boasting and wisdom
- Boasting and belonging
- Alexamenos worships his God
- The Wisdom of God (1:18-31)
- Foolishness…and power (1:18)
- God and the ‘Wise’ (1:19-25; cf. Isaiah 29:10-20)
- God and the ‘Foolish’ (1:26-31)
- Therefore we speak…(2:1-16)
- …not with human wisdom (2:1-5)
- …but with the wisdom revealed by the Spirit (2:6-16)
- Alexamenos fidelis
- Something Old, Something New
- Gospel-shaped Church (1:1-17)
- A holy community (1:1-3)
- A located community (1:2a)
- A catholic community (1:2b)
- A graced community (1:4-9)
- A unified community (1:10-17)
- Gospel-shaped Ministry (1:17-31)
- Ecclesiastes (broadly)
- Ecclesiastes 3
- Nuance
- Application
- God’s eternal purposes revealed in Christ
- Time, opportunity and Mission of the Gospel
- Greetings (v7-18)
- Prayer (v2-4)
- Wisdom (v5-7)
- Wives and Husbands (3:18-19)
- Children and Fathers (3:20-21)
- Slaves and Masters (3:22-4:1)
- Ordinary life and Lordship of Christ
- Wisdom in Colossae
- Dying and Rising with Christ (Col 2:20-3:4)
- Putting off, putting on (Col 3:5-11)
- The Indwelling Word
- Focus and Scope
- ‘at home-ness’ in the church
- Reverberates within the church
- Words and deeds
- Application