5. Speaking About Jesus January 29, 2017 Dave Pym Sharing Luke https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2017-01-29-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Luke 24: 36-49
4. Showing Jesus As Salt And Light January 22, 2017 Dave Pym Sharing, Commitment Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2017-01-22-PBC-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 5: 1-16
3. How to Pray and Worship God January 15, 2017 Tim Bradford Prayer Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2017-01-15-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 6: 5-15
2. The Commitment Jesus Commands January 8, 2017 Tim Bradford Commitment Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2017-01-08-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 16: 24-27
1. The Mall, The Hospital and The Kingdom January 1, 2017 Tim Bradford Choice, Jesus Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2017-01-01-pbc-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 4: 12-25