Abuse within the Church May 30, 2021 Tim Bradford Injustice, Alienation, Suffering, Evil, Witness, Distractions, Keeping Up Appearances, Denial, Handling Guilt Jude Jude 1:1-25
Faithfully Following Jesus in the Local Church May 23, 2021 Dave Pym Leadership, Faith, Jesus, Mission, Keeping Promises, Sharing, Super Leaders, Denial, Loyalty, Faithfulness 3 John 3 John 1-14
Certainty May 9, 2021 Warwick Hornidge Certainty 1 John 1 John 5:13-21 Certainty in Eternal LifeCertainty in PrayerCertainty in Our IdentyCertainly Avoid Idols
Jesus, The Messiah May 2, 2021 Tim Bradford Jesus, Salvation, Trinity, God's Kingdom 1 John 1 John 5:1-12