Easter Sunday 2024 March 31, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Resurrection, Paul, Faith and Belief In Jesus, Jesus' death 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Good Friday 2024 March 29, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Jesus' death, Salvation, Death, Our Atonement, Trial, Saviour, wrath, the cross Luke Luke 23 Barabbas The thief on the cross The darkness The curtain
Meet Jesus: Jesus raises Lazarus March 24, 2024 Rod Earnshaw God's Glory, Suffering, Death, Shepherd, Joy John 11:1-44 Jesus allows suffering Jesus’ plan for our suffering is joy
Meet Jesus: Jesus versus the Cynics March 17, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Opposition, Pharisees, God's Son, Denial John John 10:22-42 The Controversy Continues (v22-30) They refuse to believe (v25a) There’s plenty of evidence (v25b) God determines who is in his flock (v26-28a) God’s people are eternally secure (v28-30) Jesus is indivisible from God (v30) Jesus bamboozles and his opponents fume (v31-39) Jesus retreats for another day (festival) (v40-42) Video – C.S. Lewis excerpts from his books ‘God in the Dock’ and ‘Mere Christianity’
Meet Jesus: Jesus is the Good Shepherd March 10, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Shepherd, God's Love, Sheep John John 10:1-21 Jesus is the Shepherd (who cares for his sheep) v1-10 Intimate and tender image Sheep aren’t the smartest or the strongest But, each of us is precious in his sight Jesus is the only way in He comes to give us life, and every other option leads to death Jesus is the Good Shepherd (who dies for his sheep) v11-21 Jesus has sheep outside Israel and he’s going to gather them in too Jesus’ intimate relationship with the sheep is like his relationship with the father His father loves him because he is aligned with his fathers plan He lays down his life No one takes his life from him, he lays it own of his own will He will take it up again
Meet Jesus: Jesus Shines the Light March 3, 2024 Rod Earnshaw The Light of the World, Mercy, Blindness John John 9 Jesus makes the blind man see (aka the light shines in the darkness) v1-12 The Pharisees condemn Jesus for healing a man v13-34 His crime is working on the Sabbath v16 It’s obvious that a sinner could not do such miraculous signs v16 The Pharisees had already decided that Jesus wasn’t the Christ v22 They establish the truth of the miracle, it is undeniable v25 The Pharisees become more and more adamant that Jesus is a sinner v24, 29 The blind man sees (aka the light shines in the darkness) v35-41