34. The Crucification March 30, 2018 Tim Bradford Jesus, Salvation, Sin, God's Plan, Forgiveness Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-30-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 27:27-66
33. How Do We Respond To Our Guilt? March 25, 2018 Nathan Cutforth Handling Guilt Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-25-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 27:1-26 Judas Chief Priests Pilate The Crowd Us…
32. Two Trials March 18, 2018 William Chong Choice, Holiness, Lament, Denial Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-18-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 26: 57-75 Drama in the courtroom: Jesus and His accusers Drama in the courtyard: Peter and his accusers Our response
31. Jesus Prepares For The Cross March 11, 2018 Dave Pym God's Plan, Agony, Obedience, Preparation Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-11-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 Matthew 26:1-56
30. What It Means To Be Ready March 4, 2018 Tim Bradford The End Times, Be Ready Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-04-pbc-am_Sermon.mp3 Matthew 24:45 – 25:46