Acts 11:1-30 For Gentile ‘outsiders’ to become ‘insiders’ in Jesus’ Church, there had to be: (1) Recognition that Jesus wants to save Gentiles (1-18) (2) Interaction with Gentiles where they were (19-21) (3) Affirmation that Gentile belief was genuine (22-24) (4) Instruction of Gentile converts in how to live for Christ (25-26) (5) Demonstration by Gentile…
Who does Jesus want to include?
Background: Stephen’s legacy is that the Good News leaves Jerusalem (1-4)
Who does Jesus want to save and include in the Church He is building?
(1) Jesus wants the despised (5-8 and 14-17)
(2) Jesus wants the deceived (9-13 and 18-25)
(3) Jesus wants the distant (26-40)
Do we want these people on Jesus’ team, and will we help them join?
(1) A problem noted (1)
(2) A solution rejected (2)
(3) Another solution proposed (3-4)
(4) This solution implemented (5-6)
(5) Kingdom growth facilitated (7)
Are we a united and generous body of believers, in which every person is willingly playing their part?
Is my church full of hypocrites? Am I one of them?
(1) A God-honouring community (4:32-37), marked by:
– a shared unity (32a)
– unceasing Gospel testimony (33a)
– heartfelt generosity (32b and 34-35)
(2) A God dishonouring conspiracy (5:1-4 and 7-9)
(3) A God-inflicted penalty (5:5-6 and 10-11)
For the health and holiness of Jesus’ Church, we must shun hypocrisy and pursue honesty.