- Is God different from the world of unrealistic expectations?
- Jesus, the true Vine
- So, remain in Him
Introduction – Weary through worry
Jesus offers:
- A permanent Helper (15-17 and 25-26)
- His ongoing presence (18-24)
- A comforting Peace (27)
- A faith-building Prediction (28-31)
Do you love Jesus?
- Jesus will depart for His disciples
- Jesus will return for His disciples
- In the interim: love, faith and hope
- Yeah, but …
- Fears and Questions
- Accusations at Sea
- God’s Response
Introduction – Being ‘Australian’ and being ‘human’
To be truly human is to magnify God’s majesty by:
- Praising Him verbally (1b-2)
- Viewing ourselves humbly (3-4)
- Caring for the Earth responsibly (5-6)
Do you have the mind of Christ?
- How long?
- John’s Vision of the END (21:1-8)
- The Bride-City Described (21:9-27)
- Life in the Garden-City (22:1-5)
- All Soon to Take Place (22:6)
- Verbal and non-verbal
- The scroll no one could open (vv. 1-5)
- The Lion-Lamb is worthy to open the scroll (vv.6-10)
- All creation worships the Lamb (vv1-14)
- Who is the Lamb?
Introduction – Resolutions and aspirations for 2020
- A dire situation (3)
- Crying to God in desperation (1 and 4)
- Experiencing God’s salvation (1-2 and 5-8)
- Responding to God’s gracious provision (10-19)
What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?
- Speaking of God’s goodness in saving us (13a)
- Calling on Him and no other (2b, 13b and 17b)
- Serving our God all our days (9 and 15-16)
Will you play to please your Master only?