Sermons & Teachings (Page 37)

9. Preparing To Be The Bride Of Christ

Dave Pym Petersham Baptist Church Associate Pastor

2 Corinthians 12:14 – 13:14

Introduction – Are we ready for Jesus’ return?
1. Paul’s concern for the Corinthians’ good (12:14-19)
2. The Corinthians’ love of the ways of the world (12:20-21)
3. Paul’s plan for dealing with unrepentance (13:1-4)
4. The Corinthians’ opportunity for self-correction (13:5-12)

3. Being Jesus Witnesses Beyond the Familiar and Comfortable

Dave Pym Petersham Baptist Church Associate Pastor

Unfortunately the recording of the sermon is of poor quality so is not included here.

John 4:1-42

  • Who are our Samaritans?
  • Jesus and the Samaritan woman
  1. Choosing to move beyond the comfortable (4:1-4)
  2. Positioning ourselves to encounter the unfamiliar (4:5-6)
  3. Establishing connections across social and cultural barriers (4:7-9)
  4. Using the tangible to direct attention to the spiritual (4:10-15)
  5. Conversing with compassion rather than condemnation (4:16-18)
  6. Downplaying religious differences to focus on common spiritual aspirations (4:19-24)
  7. Presenting Jesus as the ultimate answer to every spiritual longing (4:25-26)