- Our fear of ‘Evangelism’ and ‘Mission’
- Ordinary believers are Jesus’ method of building His Church
- Becoming an Acts 1:8 church
- The Importance of preparing
- We are witnesses for Jesus when we tell His story
Are we:
- too focused on ourselves
- too empty – have nothing to share
- too respectable – don’t want to damage our reputation
- too similar to those who don’t know Christ
- too ignorant of the Good News
- too apathetic to consider the needy and the lost
- too terrified of what others might think
- too insulated within our own Christian ghetto
As Witnesses for Christ, let’s note:
- Jesus calls us to follow Him (Matt 9:9)
- Jesus affirms our existing relationships, in that he wants us to share His love with our friends (Matt 9:10-11)
- We should be focused on people who know they have a need. We should show mercy as Jesus did (Matt 9:11-13)
- Be speaking the Truth about Him, and be loving in our actions like Him (Matt 9:35)
- He wants a deep community passion to motivate us into loving and telling action (Matt 9:36)
- “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”. Let’s be aware of the need and act for His glory (Matt 9:37-38).
Our apologies that the recording of the sermon is of poor quality.
- Remember that you were once far away
- But now in Christ …
- One new humanity: a church without walls
- God as the source of every good
- The restored image and the good
- The Goodness of God and the week that was
- Stephen Fry, and the either-or
- Exposing some unsatisfactory answers
- ‘Everything happens for a reason’
- ‘Evil is necessary consequence of free will’
- ‘Evil as necessary contrast’
- God’s response to Evil: the bible’s storyline
- God’s roadblocks and our response
- The God who is good, free and unchanging
- God as the source of every good gift
- Creation witnesses to God’s goodness
- Redemption reveals God’s goodness
- And God is working for our good
- Rejoice because our sins have been forgiven
- Acknowledge our sins
- Confess to God and those against whom we have transgressed
- Let us rejoice and be glad
- Anguish
- Fear of those who hate us
- The Lord is most powerful and will defend us
- We thank You and praise You for Your righteousness.
- When enough is enough
- Anticipating concerns
- Does this contradict other teaching?
- What if it’s not the Psalmist in error?
David’s situation and Ours
Yearning for God (v.1)
Remembering the God we know (v.2)
Being moved to praise:
- by past experience of God’s love (v.3-5)
- by our present experience of God’s help (v.6-8)
- by our future experience of God’s deliverance (v.9-11)