- Jesus makes the blind man see (aka the light shines in the darkness) v1-12
- The Pharisees condemn Jesus for healing a man v13-34
- His crime is working on the Sabbath v16
- It’s obvious that a sinner could not do such miraculous signs v16
- The Pharisees had already decided that Jesus wasn’t the Christ v22
- They establish the truth of the miracle, it is undeniable v25
- The Pharisees become more and more adamant that Jesus is a sinner v24, 29
- The blind man sees (aka the light shines in the darkness) v35-41
- Jesus is the Light of the World
- Jesus’ Light reveals what is hiding in the darkness
- Who’s your father?
- The truth will set you free
- The Blind Men and the Elephant
- We’re blind because we reject Jesus, because he exposes our sin
- Jesus offers living water: God Himself
Meet Jesus: Meet God
If you were to host a dinner party with anyone who ever lived, who would you invite?
- Jesus does the impossible
- Jesus is revealing who He is
What would you do to gain unimaginable treasures?
- Paul trusts God to work through His Gospel (v1-6)
- Rejoice in our weakness as that’s where God’s power is (v7-12)
- Look to future glory to put our personal suffering into eternal perspective (v16-18)
A Trustworthy Saying
- Jesus Came on a rescue mission
- Sinners need rescuing
- We’re all sinners
- In 2024
**Please note that the Bible reading and the first 2 mins of the sermon are not included in this recording