- Coherent picture made of lots of individual pictures
- Observation, opportunities, and knowledge
- Thankfulness to God
- Thankful for good gifts
- What happens when we are thankful
Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 2:11-15
- We can baulk at how unfair gifts are
- we can baulk at the idea that gifts come with obligation and responsibility
- Gifts are not only for ourselves but also for each other
- God is Master
- God has a master plan
- Bow in awe
The Gospel treasure has been passed on to us, so we need to pass it on to others.
We give thanks for God’s goodness to Flo for 50 years, and we now need to take up the banner for future generations.
- Know you are a coworker (v12-13)
- Act like a coworker (v14-16)
- Be a sacrificial coworker (v16-18)
- The Sovereign God rejects proud service (vs 1-4)
- The sober reality of God’s judgement (vs 5-24)
- Outrageous Invitation
- We have a Choice
- Powerful Assurance
- We are His
- “I will be with you”
- God calls out the Nations
- God humiliates the gods of this world
- God proves it