Preparing to take the Promised Land November 24, 2019 Tim Bradford God's Plan, God's Faithfulness, Faith Numbers Numbers 33:50 – 35:34 A New Beginning: An Ancient PurposePromised Land becomes Holy LandFinal Reflections on the book of Numbers
Wisdom From Former Generations October 20, 2019 Tim Bradford Wisdom Psalms Psalm 78 Learning wisdom through a riddleIf that’s the riddle, what’s the lesson?Putting wisdom into practice
8. The Death of the Old, and the Birth of the New October 6, 2019 Tim Bradford Sin, New Life Numbers Numbers 25-26 Balaam’s trap and Israel’s self-destructionYHWH’s anger, the zeal of Phinehas and hope for the futureWarnings for us
5. Politics, Real Power, and Priests September 15, 2019 Tim Bradford Sin, God's Choice Numbers Numbers 16-18 Where will Israel go from here? Korah and co.YHWH’s furyIsrael’s insolence, and the human heart
3. Grumblings and Grace in the Wilderness September 1, 2019 Tim Bradford God's Faithfulness, Calling on God, Distractions Numbers Numbers 11-12 What’s the issue behind the issue? The first two complaintsMoses’ complaint and YHWH’s responseThe third complaint
2. Israel’s Before and After Photo August 25, 2019 Tim Bradford Roles, Leadership, Reflections Numbers Numbers 7-10 FlashbackThe TabernacleA picture of obedience to God and to the roles God has given
1. The Fear and Hope of Israel August 18, 2019 Tim Bradford Fear, Hope Numbers Numbers 1:1-51 Chernobyl … Getting our bearings again on Israel’s storyThe problem of war in the Old TestamentGenesis 15Israel’s more pressing issueThe formation of the tribesThe fear and hope of IsraelGetting our bearings again
1. Thank God It’s Monday … August 4, 2019 Tim Bradford God's Kingdom, Sharing, For All Genesis Bible Reading: Genesis 1 Thinking Biblically About Work Attitudes and views about workThe surprising view of Psalm 8Back to Creation: Genesis 1 and 2The Fall (Genesis 3) and workWisdom about work: Ecclesiastes 2:17-20; 5:10-15, 18-20There’s more to life than work
8. Jesus: The Talk Of The Town June 23, 2019 Tim Bradford Faith, Jesus, God's Plan, Law John John 7 Everyone is talking about youThe talk of the townCutting through all the noiseFor those with ears to hear, hearFor those who have heard, prepareFor those who are intrigued, discern