Good and Bad – Are They Both From God? May 10, 2020 Tim Bradford Calling on God, Lament, Injustice, Trust, God's Plan Job Job 2 – 3
Responding to God’s goodness in saving us December 29, 2019 Dave Pym Trust, God's Faithfulness, Grace, Calling on God, Thanksgiving, Servanthood, Reflections Psalms Psalm 116 Introduction – Resolutions and aspirations for 2020 A dire situation (3) Crying to God in desperation (1 and 4) Experiencing God’s salvation (1-2 and 5-8) Responding to God’s gracious provision (10-19) What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me? Speaking of God’s goodness in saving us (13a) Calling on Him and no other (2b, 13b and 17b) Serving our God all our days (9 and 15-16) Will you play to please your Master only?
3. Grumblings and Grace in the Wilderness September 1, 2019 Tim Bradford God's Faithfulness, Calling on God, Distractions Numbers Numbers 11-12 What’s the issue behind the issue? The first two complaintsMoses’ complaint and YHWH’s responseThe third complaint
1. O Come, O Come Emmanuel December 3, 2017 Tim Bradford Calling on God, Promise Luke Luke 2:21-40
2. Surely There Is a God Who Judges the Earth June 11, 2017 Tim Bradford Calling on God Psalms Psalm 58 When enough is enough Anticipating concerns Does this contradict other teaching? What if it’s not the Psalmist in error?