Forgive Us Our Sins June 9, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Lord's Prayer, Forgiveness, Our Atonement, Christianity in Practice Isaiah, Matthew Isaiah 6:1-7 Matthew 18:21-35 God’s forgiveness and ours Our Forgiveness God’s forgiveness and our emotions Note: at 40:00 there was a break in the recording, denoted by a short beep
Good Friday 2024 March 29, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Trial, Saviour, wrath, the cross, Jesus' death, Salvation, Death, Our Atonement Luke Luke 23 Barabbas The thief on the cross The darkness The curtain
4. Jesus became human to be our merciful and faithful High Priest December 23, 2018 Tim Bradford Our Atonement Leviticus, Hebrews, Exodus Hebrews 2: 16-18 Jesus himself suffered when tempted The Priest we need