9. Taste And See That The Lord Is Good September 30, 2018 Tim Bradford Salvation, God's Plan Leviticus Leviticus 26 Do we expect anything? Embracing the covenantRejecting the covenantDiscipline, and blessing in the Christian lifeEnding on a question: What will God’s people do?
8. Be Holy, For The Lord Your God Is Holy September 23, 2018 Tim Bradford Holiness Leviticus https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-09-23-pbc-am-Sermon-1.mp3 Reading: Leviticus 18:1 – 19:18 Scope: Leviticus 18 – 20
6. Is Leviticus offensive? September 9, 2018 Tim Bradford Sin, Rituals, Yahweh, Holiness Leviticus (Audio incorporates Bible Reading, Sermon and Questions & Answers) A closer look at some difficult passages Leviticus 12-15
5. Watch What You Eat September 2, 2018 Tim Bradford Law, Holiness, Loyalty, Decisions Leviticus https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-09-02-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 Leviticus 11 Those 100 little decisions, and the stuff of life Unclean and Clean Why did food matter? An important phrase, word and story Identity and loyalty