- God’s intention at creation (6-8a)
- Falling short of His expectations (8b)
- God’s solution is the Incarnation (9a)
- Christ’s humiliation brings exaltation (9b)
- Neither denying, nor diverting attention away from what has happened
- Would Jesus poison everything?
- Distinguishing between Jesus and misrepresentations
- Where is God in this … ?
- The problem presented
- Turning to the Bible and to good news of Jesus
- Tears and hope
- Introduction
- Some Key Christian Ideas
- Some Common Objections
- Some Good Reasons For Belief
- Why Does Belief Matter?
4th Nov – Would Christianity be good for me?
11th Nov – Are there any good reasons to believe?
18th Nov – Can I believe in a good God when there is so much suffering?
25th Nov – Does religion poison everything?
Matthew 28:16-20; John 14:15-29
What does Jesus mean when he promises to be with His disciples always, to the very end of the age?
- The Promise Stated
- The Promise Understood
- The Promise Tested
- The Promise Experienced
Matthew 28:16-20; John 20:19-29
What does Jesus mean when He tells us to go and make disciples?
- Jesus wants us to go somewhere for Him
- Jesus want us to make something with Him
- How do I ‘make’ a disciple of Jesus?
- I help someone become a disciple of Jesus (symbolised by baptism)
- I help someone to grow as a disciple of Jesus (by teaching them how to live for Him)
- Who am I discipling now?