- Refreshing our minds with stories of life’s challenges
- Paul becomes a prisoner for preaching God’s message in public
- Though imprisoned, Paul rejoices in the opportunity he still has to preach and encourage the church
- Those who tell the Gospel will always endure suffering, however the Gospel continues to bear fruit – even under persecution and suffering
- We too, need to regularly hear and read the Gospel in order to dispel all fears and doubts
- Membership is His doing – not our own
- Membership is secured by the saving death of Jesus
- Why is Jesus the only way?
- A shocked fiancé
- Joseph is reassured by an angel of the Lord
- The fulfillment of a prophecy
- Joseph took Mary as his wife but he did not consummate their marriage until after the birth of Jesus,
- God has provided a Savior for all who are willing to accept this gift.
- Jesus himself suffered when tempted
- The Priest we need
- Solidarity with the children
- Defeating the Devil
- Freeing those held in slavery by their fear of death

- Jesus: the Image of God and humanity
- Jesus: perfected through sufferings
- Bringing brothers and sisters to glory

- God’s intention at creation (6-8a)
- Falling short of His expectations (8b)
- God’s solution is the Incarnation (9a)
- Christ’s humiliation brings exaltation (9b)
- Neither denying, nor diverting attention away from what has happened
- Would Jesus poison everything?
- Distinguishing between Jesus and misrepresentations