- Jonah runs away (1:1-3)
- He’s thrown away (1:4-16)
- He prays away (1:17-2:10)
Confronting the sin
- Humility
- Resistance
- The God of all grace
- Not for elders’ eyes only
- Shepherd God’s people
- Potential trappings
- The unfading crown of glory
- Be mentally alert (4:7a)
- Speak with God (4:7b)
- Love genuinely (4:8 10)
- Glorify God in our speech and service (4:11)
- Rejoice when we suffer for Christ (4:12-19)
- Christ the Victor
- The attitude of Christ
- Our remaining days
How should I respond when I’m mocked or mistreated for doing good?
- Focus our hearts on Jesus our King (vs 14b-15a)
- Answering our accusers well (vs 15b-16)
- Remembering the good Jesus’ suffering achieved (vs 17-22)
- Wives…
- The pastoral background
- Winning over
- but without a word?
- The call for Christian character
- The challenge of Sarah
- Husbands…
- More than our marriages
- Showing honour
- A warning
- Finally, all of you…