Introduction to the Spiritual Disciplines November 24, 2019 Dave Pym Christianity in Practice 2019-11-24-Training-NotesDownload
3. Being Jesus Witnesses Beyond the Familiar and Comfortable August 20, 2017 Dave Pym Witness, Building a Church John Unfortunately the recording of the sermon is of poor quality so is not included here. John 4:1-42 Who are our Samaritans? Jesus and the Samaritan woman Choosing to move beyond the comfortable (4:1-4) Positioning ourselves to encounter the unfamiliar (4:5-6) Establishing connections across social and cultural barriers (4:7-9) Using the tangible to direct attention to the spiritual (4:10-15) Conversing with compassion rather than condemnation (4:16-18) Downplaying religious differences to focus on common spiritual aspirations (4:19-24) Presenting Jesus as the ultimate answer to every spiritual longing (4:25-26)
2. Beginning Where We Are August 13, 2017 Dave Pym Witness Acts Acts 3:1 – 4:4 The Disciples were accessible and approachable by the people They vividly identified with the people around them They turned attention away from themselves and towards Jesus The Disciples focused on Jesus’ teaching and His resurrection They urged their hearers to respond, repent and follow Jesus
1. Preparing to be Jesus’ Witnesses August 6, 2017 Dave Pym Witness, Building a Church Acts, Matthew Matthew 9:9-13, 35-38 Our fear of ‘Evangelism’ and ‘Mission’ Ordinary believers are Jesus’ method of building His Church Becoming an Acts 1:8 church The Importance of preparing We are witnesses for Jesus when we tell His story Are we: too focused on ourselves too empty – have nothing to share too respectable – don’t want to damage our reputation too similar to those who don’t know Christ too ignorant of the Good News too apathetic to consider the needy and the lost too terrified of what others might think too insulated within our own Christian ghetto As Witnesses for Christ, let’s note: Jesus calls us to follow Him (Matt 9:9) Jesus affirms our existing relationships, in that he wants us to share His love with our friends (Matt 9:10-11) We should be focused on people who know they have a need. We should show mercy as Jesus did (Matt 9:11-13) Be speaking the Truth about Him, and be loving in our actions like Him (Matt 9:35) He wants a deep community passion to motivate us into loving and telling action (Matt 9:36) “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”. Let’s be aware of the need and act for His glory (Matt 9:37-38).
5. Speaking About Jesus January 29, 2017 Dave Pym Sharing Luke Luke 24: 36-49
4. Showing Jesus As Salt And Light January 22, 2017 Dave Pym Sharing, Commitment Matthew Matthew 5: 1-16
3. How to Pray and Worship God January 15, 2017 Tim Bradford Prayer Matthew Matthew 6: 5-15
2. The Commitment Jesus Commands January 8, 2017 Tim Bradford Commitment Matthew Matthew 16: 24-27
1. The Mall, The Hospital and The Kingdom January 1, 2017 Tim Bradford Choice, Jesus Matthew Matthew 4: 12-25