John 6
The Hunger Games
- A Crowd, Passover and bread
- Crossing the sea
- The food that spoils vs. The Bread of Life
He is Risen!
(John 20:1-18)
(1) The things people say
(2) Mary’s despair
(3) The Lord appears
(4) The resurrection of Jesus and true hope
a. some uniquely commissioned for teaching and decision making
(Matthew 16: 18-20, Acts 15, Galatians 2: 1-14)
b. a church given considerable responsibility to govern its own affairs.
(Matthew 18: 15-20, 1 Corinthians 5)
c. leaders who care and serve their brothers and sisters
(1 Timothy 3, Acts 14: 23)
d. each member of the body exercising different gifts
(Romans 12: 3-8, 1 Corinthians 12)