The Word of God: The Bible April 26, 2020 Ian Maddock Witness, Joy to the World, Sharing, God's Glory, Law, Holiness, For All 2 Timothy Audio Only 2 Timothy 3:16
8. Jesus: The Talk Of The Town June 23, 2019 Tim Bradford God's Plan, Law, Faith, Jesus John John 7 Everyone is talking about youThe talk of the townCutting through all the noiseFor those with ears to hear, hearFor those who have heard, prepareFor those who are intrigued, discern
5. Watch What You Eat September 2, 2018 Tim Bradford Law, Holiness, Loyalty, Decisions Leviticus Leviticus 11 Those 100 little decisions, and the stuff of life Unclean and Clean Why did food matter? An important phrase, word and story Identity and loyalty
7. Life and Law April 23, 2017 Tim Bradford Law Exodus Exodus 19–20