Jesus and Bad Religion April 28, 2024 David Starling Shepherd, Follow, Sheep, Good Shepherd, Jesus' Identity, False prophets John John 10 True and False Shepherds (v1-10) The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life (v11-18) My Sheep Hear My Voice (v25-28)
Meet Jesus: Jesus raises Lazarus March 24, 2024 Rod Earnshaw God's Glory, Suffering, Death, Shepherd, Joy John 11:1-44 Jesus allows suffering Jesus’ plan for our suffering is joy
Meet Jesus: Jesus is the Good Shepherd March 10, 2024 Rod Earnshaw Shepherd, God's Love, Sheep John John 10:1-21 Jesus is the Shepherd (who cares for his sheep) v1-10 Intimate and tender image Sheep aren’t the smartest or the strongest But, each of us is precious in his sight Jesus is the only way in He comes to give us life, and every other option leads to death Jesus is the Good Shepherd (who dies for his sheep) v11-21 Jesus has sheep outside Israel and he’s going to gather them in too Jesus’ intimate relationship with the sheep is like his relationship with the father His father loves him because he is aligned with his fathers plan He lays down his life No one takes his life from him, he lays it own of his own will He will take it up again
Jesus Schools the Teacher May 14, 2023 Rod Earnshaw Rabbi, rebirth, Sin, Shepherd, Nicodemus John We can’t come to God Jesus can bring us to God John 3:1-15
Eternal God Becomes Man March 5, 2023 Rod Earnshaw Comfort, Light, Likeness, Choose Life, Jesus, Holiness, Shepherd John John 1:1-18
Do’s and Don’ts for Pastoral Ministry February 19, 2023 Ian Maddock Shepherd, Comfort, Challenges, Servant, Sower, Sharing, Be Ready Galatians Galatians 5:16-25
11. The Shepherd Who Cares For His Sheep July 14, 2019 Dave Pym Jesus, Shepherd John John 10 Bad Shepherds and The Good Shepherd How does Jesus care for His sheep? He knows each one by name (1-6, 14-16, 27)He protects and provides for His own (7-10, 28-30)He gives His life to save (11-13, 15b, 17-18) Are you one of Jesus’ sheep?