1. Forever Changed December 30, 2018 Tim Bradford A Godly Life, Witness, New Life Colossians https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/2018-12-30-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 Colossians 1:1-12
Christmas Day 2018 December 25, 2018 Dave Pym God's Plan, Jesus, Salvation Matthew https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2018-12-25-PBC-AM-Christmas_Day.mp3 Matthew 1:18-25 A shocked fiancé Joseph is reassured by an angel of the Lord The fulfillment of a prophecy Joseph took Mary as his wife but he did not consummate their marriage until after the birth of Jesus, God has provided a Savior for all who are willing to accept this gift.
4. Jesus became human to be our merciful and faithful High Priest December 23, 2018 Tim Bradford Our Atonement Exodus, Leviticus, Hebrews https://pbc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2018-12-23-pbc-am-Sermon.mp3 Hebrews 2: 16-18 Jesus himself suffered when tempted The Priest we need
3. Fix Your Thoughts On Jesus December 16, 2018 Sanjeeth Nalla Humanity, Death, Jesus, Evil Spirit Hebrews Hebrews 2:10 – 3:1 Solidarity with the children Defeating the Devil Freeing those held in slavery by their fear of death
2. …. To Lead Brothers And Sisters To Glory December 9, 2018 Tim Bradford Humanity, Jesus, Holiness Hebrews Jesus: the Image of God and humanity Jesus: perfected through sufferings Bringing brothers and sisters to glory
2018 Carols, Skit and Message December 8, 2018 Cynthia Pym Jesus, His Birth Matthew 1:18 – 2:15,19-23
1. The Incarnation Restores Our True Humanity December 2, 2018 Dave Pym Jesus, Incarnation Hebrews Hebrews 2 God’s intention at creation (6-8a) Falling short of His expectations (8b) God’s solution is the Incarnation (9a) Christ’s humiliation brings exaltation (9b)