13. Victory Through Death July 28, 2019 William Chong Faith, Jesus, Obedience John John 12 The hour is come! v23 Five responses to Jesus’ coming victory Mary v1-3, 3-7Judas v4-6The Chief Priests v9-11The Crowd v12-19The Greeks v20-22 Three questions: Will you believe? v35-36Will you be bold? v41-43Will you obey? v47
12. The Problem of Death: I Am The Resurrection And Life July 21, 2019 Sanjeeth Nalla Faith, Jesus, Reassurance, Resurrection John John 11 The death of Lazarus imminentJesus deals with those effected by Lazarus’ deathJesus deals with death itself
11. The Shepherd Who Cares For His Sheep July 14, 2019 Dave Pym Jesus, Shepherd John John 10 Bad Shepherds and The Good Shepherd How does Jesus care for His sheep? He knows each one by name (1-6, 14-16, 27)He protects and provides for His own (7-10, 28-30)He gives His life to save (11-13, 15b, 17-18) Are you one of Jesus’ sheep?
10. The Light Which Divides July 7, 2019 Dave Pym Jesus, Blindness, Faith John John 9 How does Jesus do God’s work as the “Light of the world”? (9:4-5) He give sight to the physically blind (9:1-12)He makes Himself a basis for division (9:39)He confirms the spiritual blindness of the proud (9:13-34; 9:39-41)He gives spiritual sight to the humble (9:35-39)He shines through those who receive Him (9:4)