7. Behold Your God September 29, 2019 Geoff Harper Grace, Love, Persistence Numbers Numbers 22-24 Year 10 Irish Class Balaam is Summoned (22:1-41) Balak’s master plan (vv. 1-20)Angels and donkeys (vv. 21-41)Balaam’s Oracles (23:1 – 24:25)Behold Your GodRemember God’s power and protectionRealise the extent of God’s grace
6. From Impatience To Trust September 22, 2019 Dave Pym Trust Numbers Numbers 20:1 – 21:9 Leaders make mistakes too (20:1-13 and 20:22-29)God’s timing and ours (20:14-21)Trusting God when trouble comes (21:1-3)Impatience, penitence and God’s provision (21:4-9)
5. Politics, Real Power, and Priests September 15, 2019 Tim Bradford Sin, God's Choice Numbers Numbers 16-18 Where will Israel go from here? Korah and co.YHWH’s furyIsrael’s insolence, and the human heart
4. Fear and faithlessness: Learning from a fickle people September 8, 2019 Dave Pym Faith, Trust, Sin, Fear, Keeping Promises Numbers Numbers 13:17 – 14:38
3. Grumblings and Grace in the Wilderness September 1, 2019 Tim Bradford God's Faithfulness, Calling on God, Distractions Numbers Numbers 11-12 What’s the issue behind the issue? The first two complaintsMoses’ complaint and YHWH’s responseThe third complaint