Wisdom for the New Year – 1 December 31, 2023 David Starling Wisdom Psalm 1 **Please note that the Bible reading and the first 2 mins of the sermon are not included in this recording
The Mercy of Our God December 17, 2023 Rod Earnshaw Luke Luke 1:67-79 Focus on the tender mercy of our God in saving those in the shadow of death
Waiting for the King December 10, 2023 Rod Earnshaw Christmas, Humility, People, Promises Luke Luke 1:46-55 God sees the little people Rejoice in being one of the little people God is in control God lifts up the humble and tears down the proud
Waiting for the King December 3, 2023 Rod Earnshaw Zephaniah Zephaniah 3:14-20 Utter despair God rescues It ends with dancing!