- God’s forgiveness and ours
- Our Forgiveness
- God’s forgiveness and our emotions
Note: at 40:00 there was a break in the recording, denoted by a short beep
- God provides all our daily needs
- What if God doesn’t provide?
- Sometimes we endure hardship in order to avoid something worse (Exodus 13:17-18; Isaiah 57:1)
- Teaches us to rely on Him
- God’s purposes are bigger than us (Job)
- God’s creative power of redemption
- Calls on us to trust Him
- “My kingdom Come” is the problem
- “Your kingdom Come” is the solution
- We pray for God’s name to be hallowed
- This is the first prayer, our primary concern
- This is entirely right. God is worthy of all glory, honour, power and praise (Revelation 4:11)
- We are natural worshippers, this is what we were made for (Romans 1:18-25)
- This corrects our natural sinful prayer
- What does it mean to pray ‘Our Father’?
- What does it mean ‘Our Father in Heaven’?
- What does it mean to pray as children?
- Should not:
- Pray for show (v5-6)
- Thoughtless repetition (v7)
- Inform God (v8)
- Pray like this:
- Follow the topics in the Lord’s Prayer
- Reframe how we think about our problems and come to God with them
- True and False Shepherds (v1-10)
- The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life (v11-18)
- My Sheep Hear My Voice (v25-28)
- Jesus is really, truly God, just like the Father is God
- Jesus is really, truly human, just like we are
- Jesus is really, truly one person, not two
- Fatherhood and Power – the sent-ness of the Son
- The suffering of the cross
***Please note that due to technical errors, the last 5 minutes of the sermon are not included in this recording***
- A tale of two prayers
- A tale of two pray-ers
- Pharisee
- Tax collector
- The verdict